
Resource Center

Energy Saving Tips

As you are well aware, oil prices are at a record high. With so much uncertainty in the market, the guaranteed way to save money this winter is to burn less oil. To this end, the OrderOil Team has prepared the following list of Energy Saving Tips for our customers.

In addition, to the above list there are some other simple steps you may consider. Installing a programmable, set-back thermostat. This is a low cost solution for reducing energy consumption. Be sure to have the annual tune up for your heating system to ensure maximum operating efficiency. You can contact your OrderOil dealer to schedule the work.

If your budget allows, you may want to consider upgrading your heating equipment. A new flame retention burner generally produces annual energy savings of 15-18% and can pay for itself within 3 years. Upgrading to a new high efficiency boiler or furnace can create savings of 20-40% with a payback within 4-8 years. Your OrderOil dealer will be happy to provide with a no obligation estimate if you desire to further explore these options.

We hope you find these Energy Saving Tips useful as the cold weather moves in. As always, you can order your oil directly on the website. THANK YOU for your consideration and the opportunity to earn your business.