
Frequently Asked Questions

What is OrderOil?
OrderOil is an on-line heating oil market place designed to bring consumers together with quality, value-concious oil companies. Our free service will provide customers with the information they need to select the dealer who best meets their home comfort needs coupled with a convenient & secure method to request deliveries.

Do I have to pay to use OrderOil?
NO! OrderOil is an absolutely FREE service.

Why is it free?
Participating dealers are interested in gaining new, better informed customers. They view as a new, powerful tool to capitalize on the growth of e-commerce.

How do I pay for my deliveries?
OrderOil dealers require payment via a major credit card. If you are a first-time user of OrderOil, then you may be contacted by your chosen dealer shortly after placing your order to review your order and discuss payment. Returning customers may elect to keep their credit card numbers on file with their chosen dealer. All credit card information is transmitted and stored in full compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).  Charges will be placed on your credit card directly by the dealer.  OrderOil cannot be held responsible for charges placed on credit cards. If you have a dispute, you need to call the dealer directly or contact your issuing bank. OrderOil will not serve as a mediator in any dispute, financial or otherwise.

What is a "value-conscious" dealer?
A value-conscious dealer is a company that seeks to deliver a high quality product or service at a price lower than its competitors. Dealers listed on OrderOil hope to deliver the "most bang for your heating dollar".

Who do I call if I need service on my heating system?
Each dealer on OrderOil has a different philosophy when it comes to providing service. Some dealers may have a service department while others may not. You will need to discuss your service requirements directly with your chosen dealer. OrderOil does not recommend service providers. If your chosen dealer does not provide service, then we encourage you to check your local Yellow Pages for heating contractors in your area.

What is the difference between automatic delivery and one-time delivery?
When you heat with oil, you have two options for delivery service. Will-call delivery requires that the customer periodically check the oil level in the tank and call to order when the tank gauge indicates that it is 3/8 full. Delivery will be made within 2 business days following receipt of the order. Automatic delivery shifts the burden of monitoring the oil level in the tank to the dealer. They do this using a state-of-the-art computer forecasting program that generates delivery dates based on climate and burn rate data. Most people prefer the convenience of automatic delivery. Customers choosing either option do not need to be at home at the time of delivery.

What can I do to save money?
The best, and most obvious, way to save money when oil prices are high is to burn less fuel. To help our members, we have completed this list of Energy Saving Tips. You may also want to explore other options such as installing a programmable thermostat, having an annual tune up of your heating system and exploring the cost benefit of upgrading your heating system to the new generation of clean burning, high efficiency oil heating equipment.

How much oil is in my tank?
Assuming you have a 275 gallon tank (most of you do), when your gauge reads as shown, your tank contains approximately this many gallons:

When should I request an oil delivery?
Will-Call customers should order when the oil tank gauge reads 3/8 full. Automatic delivery customers do not need to call to place an order once they have established an account with a dealer. Dealers track oil usage of their automatic delivery customers and dispatch a truck "automatically" to the customer home to ensure the tank remains full. That said, even automatic delivery customers should be aware of the oil level in their tank to prevent runout and frozen pipes.